Every year more than 3000 young Danes start working at McDonald's. Unfortunately, many of them experience prejudice about the job. Many employees say it's hard to convince their friends and family that the job at McDonald's demands and provides more than what people generally think.
The campaign had to improve Danes' perception about McDonald’s as an employer and make them see McDonald’s as a responsible employer that invests in their workforce.
Young people have a lot to live up to – both in terms of their own expectations and those from the world around them. This is a time in their life where everything changes constantly and they feel a need to figure out where they should go in life, while at the same time just want to enjoy living life as a young person. For many, it can be difficult to live up to these expectations and decisions, and they benefit from being led in a direction where they figure out what they are good at for them to get the most out of their potential.
'Alt Ændrer Sig' casevideo
To change Danes' perception of what a job at McDonald's is we transformed our employees' own stories into their very own series. Based on interviews with real employees we created Everything Changes. 6 episodes of branded entertainment, where we follow all the ups and downs of Freja who gets her first job at a time in her life where everything changes.
Everything Changes is 22 minutes of entertainment, exclusively released on YouTube. Our target audience were directed from TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Spotify through trailers, snippets, and influencer content. The lead role was played by one of Denmark's biggest Gen Z influencers and actresses Anna Munch, with whom the target audience had grown up watching in a popular afternoon series on national TV. The title song with the same name, was composed by Universal Music's new star, Salomon Stampe, who is also known from the same show. This created an unprecedented cultural relevance in the target audience as the young stars were reunited in the new McDonald’s series.
To also reach the adult audience a TVC was created that used content from the series and highlighted some of the key benefits of working at McDonald’s.
'Alt Ændrer Sig' episode 1-6
The series had 1,195,186 views in 3 weeks with an average VTR for each episode of 70% (benchmark 45%). That’s over 41,724 hours of streaming that reached 80% of the target group.
The campaign had a 1500% higher click-through rate than average McDonald's campaigns and the influencer content performed 10 times better than any other McDonald’s campaign.
The campaign made 39% say that "McDonald's is a good employer" (increase of 8%).
20% felt “I had a more positive view of McDonald's as a workplace lately" (up 42%). 52.5% said "McDonald's is a responsible workplace that educates young people and equips them for the future" (increase of 11%).